Lamitina Lab
at the University of Pittsburgh
Lamitina, T. Length-dependent RNA foci formation and Repeat Associated non-AUG dependent translation in a C. elegans G4C2 model. MicroPubl Biol. 2022, doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000600
Snoznik, C., Medvedeva, V., Mojsilovic-Petrovic, J., Rudich, P., Oosten, J., Kalb, R.G., Lamitina, T. The nuclear ubiquitin ligase adaptor SPOP is a conserved regulator of C9orf72 dipeptide toxicity. PNAS. 2021 Oct 5;118(40):e2104664118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2104664118. Epub 2021 Sep 30. PMID: 34593637; PMCID: PMC8501779
Urso, S., Lamitina, T. The C. elegans hypertonic stress response: big insights from shrinking worms. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2021 Feb 25;55(S1):89-105. PMID: 33626269
Urso, S. Comely, M., Hanover, J.A., and Lamitina, T. The O-GlcNAc transferase OGT is a conserved and essential regulator of the cellular and organismal response to hypertonic stress. PLoS Genet. 2020 Oct 2;16(10):e1008821. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008821. PMID: 33006972
Puleo, N. and Lamitina, T. The conserved multi-functional nuclear protein dss-1/Sem1 is required for C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD dipeptide toxicity. MicroPubl Biol. 2020 Jun 2;2020:10.17912/micropub.biology.000262. doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000262. PMCID: PMC7266659
Rudich, P., Watkins, S., and Lamitina, T. PolyQ-independent toxicity associated with novel translational products from CAG repeat expansions. PLoS One. 2020 Apr 2;15(4):e0227464. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227464. PMCID: PMC7117740
Rudich, P., Snoznik, C., Puleo, N., and Lamitina, T. Methods for measuring RAN peptide toxicity in C. elegans. J Vis Exp. 2020 Apr 30;(158). doi: 10.3791/61024. PMID: 32420986
Rudich, P. & Lamitina, T. Models and mechanisms of repeat expansion disorders: a worm’s eye view. Journal of Genetics 2018, Jul;97(3):665-677. PMCID: PMC6482835
Rudich, P., Snoznik, C., Oosten, J., Monaghan, J., Pandey, U., Lamitina, T. Nuclear localized C9orf72-associated arginine containing dipeptides exhibit age-dependent toxicity in C. elegans. Human Molecular Genetics, 2017, Dec 15:26(24):4916-4928. PMCID: PMC5886095
Das, R., Melo, J.A., Thondamal, M., Morton, E., Cornwell, A.B., Crick, B, Kim, J.H., Swartz, E.W., Lamitina, T., Douglas, P., Samuelson A.V. The homeodomain-interacting protein kinase HPK-1 preserves protein homeostasis and longevity through master regulatory control of the HSF-1 chaperone network and TORC1-restricted autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genetics, 2017, Oct 16;13(10):e1007038. PMCID: PMC5658188
Jablonski, A., Lamitina, T., Liachko, N.F., Sabatella, M., Liu, J, Ostrow, L.W., Gupta, P., Wu, C-Y., Doshi, S., Mojsilovic-Petrovic, J., Lans, H., Wang, J., Kraemer, B., Kalb, R.G. Loss of RAD-23 Protects Against Models of Motor Neuron Disease by Enhancing Mutant Protein Clearance. J. of Neuroscience, 2015, Oct 21;35(42):14286-306. PMCID: PMC4683688
Krajacic, P., Pistilli, E.E., Tanis, J.E., Khurana, T.S.*, Lamitina, T.*. (2013) Fer-1/Dysferlin promotes cholinergic signaling at the neuromuscular junction in C. elegans and mice. Biology Open, 2(11):1245-52. * - Co-corresponding authors. [PDF]
Tanis, J.E., Ma, Z., Krajacic, P., He, L., Foskett, J.K., Lamitina, T. (2013) CLHM-1 is a Functionally Conserved and Conditionally Toxic Ca2+-Permeable Ion Channel in Caenorhabditis elegans. J. of Neuroscience, Jul 24;33(30):12275-86. PMCID: PMC3721838. [PDF]
Morton, E.A. and T. Lamitina. (2013) Caenorhabditis elegans HSF-1 is an essential nuclear protein that forms stress granule-like structures following heat shock. Aging Cell, Feb;12(1):112-20. PMCID: PMC3552056. [PDF]
Shen, X., Sznitman, J., Krajacic, P., Lamitina, T., Arratia, P.E. (2012) Undulatory locomotion of C. elegans on wet surfaces. Biophysical Journal. Jun 20;102(12): 2772-81. PMCID:PMC3379020 [PDF]
Moronetti, L., Dersh, D., Boccitto, M., Kalb, R.G., T. Lamitina. (2012) Stress and ageing induce distinct polyQ protein aggregation states in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, Jun 26;109(26):10587-92. PMCID: PMC3387092 [PDF]
He, L., Skirkanich, J., Moronetti, L, Lewis, R., Lamitina, T. (2012) The ΔF508 mutation post-transcriptionally destabilizes the C. elegans ABC transporter PGP-3. Disease Models and Mechanisms. 2012 Nov;5(6):930-9. PMCID - PMC3484874 [PDF]
Krajacic, P., Shen, X., Purohit, P., Arratia, P.E.*, Lamitina, S.T.*. (2012) Biomechanical profiling of C. elegans motility. Genetics. 2012 Jul;191(3):1015-21 * - Co-corresponding authors. PMCID: PMC3389964 [PDF]
Boccitto, M., Lamitina, T., Kalb, R.G. (2012) daf-2 Signaling Modifies Mutant SOD1 Toxicity in C. elegans. PLoS One, 2012, 7(3):e33494. PMCID:PMC330895 [PDF]
Li, F., Ryvkin, P., Dragomir, I., Desai, Y., Aiyer, S., Valladares, O., Yang, J., Bambina, S., Sabin, L., Murray, J.I., Lamitina, T., Raj, A., Cherry, S., Wang, L., Gregory, B.D. (2012) Global Analysis of RNA Secondary Structure in Two Metazoans. Cell Reports 2012. Jan 26;1(1):69-82. PMCID - In process [PDF]
Lee SD, Choi SY, Lim SW, Lamitina ST, Ho SN, Go WY, Kwon HM: (2011) TonEBP stimulates multiple cellular pathways for adaptation to hypertonic stress: organic osmolyte-dependent and -independent pathways. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 300(3):F707-15(3): F707-15, March 2011. PMCID: PMC3064130 [PDF]
Rohlfing, A.K., Miteva, Y., Moronetti, L., He, L., and Lamitina, T. (2011) The C. elegans Mucin-Like Protein OSM-8 Negatively Regulates Osmosensitive Physiology Via the Transmembrane Protein PTR-23. PLOS Genetics 7(1): e1001267, Jan 2011. PMCID: PMC3017116 [PDF]
Morton, E.A. and Lamitina, T.: (2010) A Suite of MATLAB-based Computational Tools for Automated Analysis of COPAS Biosort Data. BioTechniques 48(6): 25-30, June 2010 PMCID: PMC2892394 [PDF]
J. Sznitman, Purohit, P.K., Krajacic, P., Lamitina, T., and P.E. Arratia: (2010) Material properties of Caenorhabditis elegans swimming at low Reynolds number. Biophysical Journal 17(98(4)): 617-26, Feb 2010. PMCID: PMC2820645 [PDF]
Rohlfing, A.K., Miteva, Y., Hannenhalli, S., and Lamitina, T.: (2010) Genetic and physiological activation of osmosensitive gene expression mimics transcriptional signatures of pathogen infection in C. elegans. PLOS One e9010(5(2)), Feb 2 2010. [PDF]
Krajacic P, Hermanowski J, Lozynska O, Khurana TS, Lamitina T: (2009) The C. elegans Dysferlin homolog fer-1 is expressed in muscle and fer-1 mutations initiate altered gene expression of muscle enriched genes. Physiological Genomics Sep 2009. [PDF]
Junio AB, Li X, Massey HC Jr, Nolan TJ, Lamitina, S.T., Sundaram MV, Lok JB: (2008) Strongyloides stercoralis: cell- and tissue-specific transgene expression and co-transformation with vector constructs incorporating a common multifunctional 3' UTR. Exp Parasitol 118(2): 253-65, Feb 2008. [PDF]
Huang, Chunyi George. Lamitina, Todd. Agre, Peter. Strange, Kevin.: (2007) Functional analysis of the aquaporin gene family in Caenorhabditis elegans. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 292(5): C1867-73, May 2007. [PDF]
Lamitina T, Huang CG and Strange K. (2006) Genome-wide RNAi screening identifies protein damage as a regulator of osmoprotective gene expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103: 12173-12178, 2006. [PDF]
Yan, Xiaohui. Xing, Juan. Lorin-Nebel, Catherine. Estevez, Ana Y. Nehrke, Keith. Lamitina, Todd. Strange, Kevin.: (2006) Function of a STIM1 homologue in C. elegans: evidence that store-operated Ca2+ entry is not essential for oscillatory Ca2+ signaling and ER Ca2+ homeostasis. Journal of General Physiology 128(4): 443-59, Oct 2006. [PDF]
Huang, Chunyi George. Agre, Peter. Strange, Kevin. Lamitina, Todd.: (2006) Isolation of C. elegans deletion mutants following ENU mutagenesis and thermostable restriction enzyme PCR screening. Molecular Biotechnology 32(1): 83-6, Jan 2006. [PDF]
Lamitina, S Todd. Strange, Kevin.: (2005) Transcriptional targets of DAF-16 insulin signaling pathway protect C. elegans from extreme hypertonic stress. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 288(2): C467-74, Feb 2005. [PDF]
Lamitina, S Todd. Morrison, Rebecca. Moeckel, Gilbert W. Strange, Kevin.: (2004) Adaptation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to extreme osmotic stress. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology 286(4): C785-91, Apr 2004. [PDF]
Lamitina, S Todd. L'Hernault, Steven W.: (2002) Dominant mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans Myt1 ortholog wee-1.3 reveal a novel domain that controls M-phase entry during spermatogenesis. Development 129(21): 5009-18, Nov 2002. [PDF]
Quimby, B B. Lamitina, T. L'Hernault, S W. Corbett, A H.: (2000) The mechanism of ran import into the nucleus by nuclear transport factor 2. Journal of Biological Chemistry 275(37): 28575-82, Sept 2000. [PDF]
Klein, J D. Lamitina, S T. O'Neill, W C. (1999) JNK is a volume-sensitive kinase that phosphorylates the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter in vitro. American Journal of Physiology 277(3 Pt 1): C425-31, Sep 1999. [PDF]